The biggest issues of the touch screen ordering system?
페이지 정보
작성일 20-10-16 14:08
Recently, Touch screen ordering systems, which is used in outdoor environment, are expanding in the United States. For example, the Nextep systems is currently supplying and installing the touch screen ordering systems for outdoor at Subway nationwide.
In addition, the touch screen ordering system as kiosk may be installed near the railway, subway and bus stations and be well worth applying kiosk for outdoor ticketing machine.
These kiosks are also applied to CVS, Walgreens, or Walmart scattered around us. It is true that construction companies have a lot of interest due to lots of application.
In addition, the touch screen ordering system will be able to provide a better quality of service to consumers if we use Big Data.
However, most of the hardwares applied to the touch screen ordering system use currently a touch method called “PCAP”.
As a result, we’re now witnessing the results of this approach, which have high cost and low reliability.
Also, for example, customers at outdoor must touch the glass on the touch screen to place their orders, but during cold winter or rainy season, customers will feel unconfortable during ordering.
How can we apply the touch screen ordering system?